An entire recycling campaign, this is what we are proposing as a solution to wastage of natural resources. This will be an opportunity for us to reduce carbon footprint as a green building and gain carbon credit (a value to a reduction or offset of greenhouse gas emissions) for the amount of recyclables that we are able to collect. To ensure the implementation of this campaign we would have to provide certain facilities such as the recycling bins and signage to make it a successful one.
Building user awareness is one of the key aspects of recycling in Menara Citibank and this will be part of the plan to educate the people in the building to recycle whenever possible; an example would be having posters placed at strategic locations and information about recycling on our website to create awareness to recycle.
Once this is in place, the infrastructure comes in to play where recycle bins and signage on every office floor is required to establish recycling. The purchasing of the bins will be essential to the campaign. There would be three recycling bins comprising of bins for Paper, Plastic and Aluminium Cans and will come in three different colours and stickers with a logo will be stuck on it to allow segregation of the recyclables. In addition to that, signage will be placed to direct users to the recycling bins.
These collected recyclables will be then sorted out, weighed and kept to be collected by a recycling service company and taken to a factory where the recycling will be carried