SCI201 Ecology and Environmental Sustainability
June 18, 2014
Barbara Wharton
Robert Carter
Recycling Journal for the week of May 29 – June 4, 2014
Thursday - 2 cans, 1 newspaper
Friday – 1 newspaper, 1 plastic bottle
Saturday – cleaning out cabinets – old plastic containers, glass jars, coffee cans.
Sunday – newspaper, plastic bottle
Monday – newspaper, 1 can, glass bottle
Tuesday - newspaper, glass bottle
Wednesday – newspaper, glass bottle
Totals for the week are:
Plastic – 5 bags
Glass - 4 bags
Cans – 2 bags
Used the newspapers for the rabbit room
The total population for Hoke County is 46,952
The amount I collected and then figured in how much people in the county would collect and take to the center.
Plastic – 5 bags: 46,952 x 5 = 234,760
Glass 4 bags: 46,952 x 4 = 187,808
Cans – 2 bags: 46,952 x 2 = 93,904
How much trash could your community save in a year?
Total for the year: 516,472 x 52 = 26,856,544.
Do you think your community recycles enough? Judging by the amount of litter I see everywhere I go, I feel that most people do not care about their environment or the eco systems. They are too selfish to make the effort.
One way the US Government could develop an incentive plan that when you take your items to the recycling center, that you get a receipt showing what you brought and receive points that can be used toward your utility bill. The point system would convert to dollars for this purpose. Many communities have recycling bins that the sanitation department picks up. The point system can be used with these as well. The workers could leave the slip in the bin for the customer. They could also make sure that all communities’ sanitation departments issue these bins.
Consumers have several choices in how to recycle. You can take it to drop-off centers, curbside collection, and refund or deposit programs. There are three steps in
References: Withgott; Brennan, Jay H.; Scott R. Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories. 3rd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2008. VitalBook file. Argosy University. .