Although it may reduce, the amount of added waste to most landfills by a certain percentage, it can also be, rather costly to citizens, businesses and home owners in certain communities and areas in the United States of America.
For example, The City of Boston, does not charge citizens for garbage bins or pales and the recylce bins are free, but in Randolph , MA they charge $50.00 for one garbage bin and $100.00 for one garbage bin in the the town of Braintree MA.
Having to purchase multiple trash
and recycle bins in towns and communities like Randolph and Braintree in the United States of America as can be a nuisance to citizens, businesses, homeowner and tax payers.
Furthermore, monitoring the amount of trash each person disgards, can be bad and good. Good in the sense, that the appropriate equipment and the amount of employees can be used when picking up trash on trash day and bad in the sense of losing their dignity.
In addition to that, it can give one a complex about what they are purchasing and a sense of insecurity. I am in agreement with recycling, for the purposes of environmental protection but, the cost effectiveness of businesses, homeowners, citizens and tax payers should carfeully be taken in consideration as well as the money that can be made by recycling.