Laurence Deer
Global Marketing
Supervisor: Len Tiu Wright
Page 1: Title Page
Page 2: Contents
Page 3: Title, Rationale for study, Introduction, Research question, Significance
Page 4: Background, Aims and Objectives, Literature review
Page 5: Literature review
Page 6: Literature review continued, Methodology
Page 7: Methodology continued, Time table, Gantt chart
Page 8: Bibliography
The detailed exploration of the global energy drinks market with primary focus on the marketing strategies of Red Bull.
Rationale for Study
The main aim of this dissertation is to give an extensive report of how Red Bull became and maintained their market leader status through their various marketing strategies. It will also explore the energy drinks market as well as the soft drinks market with a primary focus on the company Red Bull.
I will also detail consumer behaviours and buying patterns by doing primary research such as an online survey. This will then build on the secondary data about Red Bull and its marketing strategies as well as concepts from the academic literature about components and strategy.
I will be researching this area as it is an extremely competitive market with good levels of growth. Red Bull as a company owe their success to the marketing strategies used to communicate with their target customer base and not on the quality of the product inside the can. ‘Red Bull would never have made it out of the initial testing stage. Despite this, Red Bull has built a strong brand by communicating the product's functionality through their marketing.’ For this reason focusing on Red Bull appealed to me as I find it fascinating that a company whose product doesn’t perform well at the blind taste test stage can still out perform their competitors on the
Bibliography: [ 2 ]. n/a. (2011). Markets & Markets. Available: Last accessed 31 Oct 2011. [ 4 ]. n/a. (2011). How it all started. Available: Last accessed 31 Oct 2011 [ 5 ] [ 6 ]. n/a. (2011). World Wide Expansion. Available: Last accessed 2nd Nov 2011.