a) Founders of product [RED]
The setup of [RED] was funded by leading corporate players, Bill Gates and George Soros in which primary importance was for a charitable purpose of fighting aids, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa countries. Hence they take on the stance of Shaper of Society. They do not value profits and only focus on the main cause of raising funds. By partnering with other corporate brands such as Apple and Gap, they are in this together to support the good cause and give back to the society. The alliance with these famous brands will make consumers more incline to purchase the products due to brand recognition and “associate themselves with saving lives”. This is not possible for the founders by themselves. Also, with the voluntary vocal supporters such as Lady Gaga and Oprah Winfrey to raise awareness for [RED], consumers will be better aware of the purpose of [RED].
b) The director of social responsibility for Gap
Gap has a series of [RED] T-shirts that is meant for sale to raise funds and their main purpose of not donating the advertising budget of $7.8 million to The Global Fund directly is because Gap wants to preserve jobs of the people in the developing countries. Hence, the director for Gap is taking on the stance of Forum for stakeholder interaction. The production of the T-shirts is not just for the financial bottomline of earning profits but also to remain the demand for import of goods and services in the developing world. Believing that as consumers, most people would want to associate themselves with saving lives with their T-shirts through the opportunity from [RED]. Therefore, this partnership between Gap has not only help to contribute in The Global Fund but it involves the long term considerations of demand and supply in the near future. It is evident that Gap monitors social performance and is proactive in corporate social responsibility.
c) The author of the article in the Times
From the