After finding out everything that the The Red Cross and ICRC has done in the past and will continue to do I was amazed. Just volunteering and knowing how to do CPR and First Aid is tough, imagining trying to remember everything I would need to do on a battlefield is scary to think about! The Red Cross and ICRC have done many amazing things saving millions of lives. Every year people donate tons of blood to people in need, I have always been looking forward to this, but due to my weight I won't be able to for a very long time. Learning about everything that The Red Cross and ICRC have done was moving. I will always try to make things better for others lives, especially because if one man or especially a woman can do it so can I! *
Taylor and I had great bonding time while writing each report, every time one of us got tired and needed a break the other stepped in, just like the Red Cross stepped in when others needed help. Using teamwork reminds me of the The Red Cross and ICRC using teamwork with the