
Red Scare Impact On Society

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Red Scare Impact On Society
The Lasting Social Impact of The Red Scare on American Society
Even thought thee ideals and societal expectations are vastly different from the 1940’s and 50’s to now, much has stayed the same. Sure schools no longer play the olde timey “wht to do when a nuclear blast is immenant” and then tell the bored audience to duck and cover under a desk, as if that will provide ample protection from nuclear fallout. Now people are marginally less racist and misoginist but there are some places in th worls that havent learned from their mistacks during this time. For exmple, McCarthy, an ignoramus politition notorious from makign bold claims that fire up the Americn people with little evidence, sound familiar? It should. The parelles betwen McCarthy
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The American Consistution is esentially what they fought for during the American Revolution, and if something disrupts that Consitution people tend to get angery. For example, whenever someone ntrys to interfer with tyhe sencond amendment- the rigyht to bear arms. American also tend to get displeased when people intetrfer with the Capitalist system they worksed so hard for. People belive comunis is a politacal system to fear, because the government is copletly in control. Yes this sounds teriffying but is it any diffferent than having imporant services, such as hospitals, to be privatly owned? No it isn’t any different, the monys evrned just goes to diferent people andd not to the people that truly need it. The first Red Screa occureded during the 1920’s in which the American Civil Liberties Union as formed but the union didn’t egt much action as the Amerivcan people relized that the fear was greatly exagerated. Also during this time the General Intelligence Division, later called the FBI, spied on orgainizations for possible actts of Communism. The second Red Scare occured during the 1950’s at hight of The Cold War, during this time Senator John McCarthy grew vastly in popularity and claimed much with no proof to his claims that there was widespread communism in the United States. His veiws were greatly …show more content…
The action however have been revived in Trumps presidential campain, and that likness is unkanny. Trumps plans from the get go are foolish and expensive, much like him. The oly way to solve this mystery is education. Educating people on the peices written during this time and the general history, will help prevent what is appening ight now. Unfourunatly to change the vote is too late, but it is never too late to learn, which is what makes schooling so important an vital to the halth of society. The society America lives in unfortunatly is the same one the ret of the worls has gorwn out of, that leaves Americ a and the rst of the world pondering, will tey or won’t

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