There is nothing worse than the act of betrayal. Jiang Ji-li, a girl who was always praised by her teachers and always felt warmth in her home started to be exposed to the real world and how people can walk away from those who were there for them their whole life and treated as if they were non existent. She never thought that her fellow peers could deceive her, betray her. Who would have ever thought that the same people who Jiang Ji-li kindly helped with their home work could easily point their guns at her. Not only does the reader feel sympathetic towards Jiang Ji-li but also fury towards the students and how she was treated because of her family's black status. Jiang Ji-li is not really not to blame for what kind of traits she bears or her stance, she was babied and never really let out of her cage into the wild where she could see things for herself.
Jiang Ji-li's weak character also contributes to the kind of mood the author feels during the time he/she reads the book. Ji-li, by the way she acts, she seems very fragile and she is not one that can easily accept what negative things that are said about her. Ji-li thinks that there is only good things and good people in the world. If it's not said or pointed out to her, she would never have noticed it. She is too carefree, allowing herself to think that there are only harmless people, that they would never hurt her until there was a da-zi-bao written about her, "Ke Cheng-li doesn't like working-class kids. He only likes rich kids... We have to ask the question, What is the relationship between them after all?" If she had been a very strong girl, knew where she stood and didn't care what others said about her or her family, the reader would have felt a different mood. Though there are other factors that contribute to the story, for instance "setting." In this novel, it talks about the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao whose intention was to do good things to China starting by ridding the