The people were denied their constitutional right to assemble, organize and speak on orders by the governor Chao Heng-t’i. Mao marks this event as a turning point and notes that “from this time on I became more and more convinced that only mass political power, secured through mass action, could guarantee the realization of dynamic reforms.” In the winter of that year, for the first time, he organized workers guided politically by Marxist theory influences and Russian Revolution
The people were denied their constitutional right to assemble, organize and speak on orders by the governor Chao Heng-t’i. Mao marks this event as a turning point and notes that “from this time on I became more and more convinced that only mass political power, secured through mass action, could guarantee the realization of dynamic reforms.” In the winter of that year, for the first time, he organized workers guided politically by Marxist theory influences and Russian Revolution