What is a Red Team?
Red Team is a process designed to measure the current security state of an organization in term of physical, logical and social factors and improve them in a continues basis. Red Team exercise involves continues challenge to the existing defense ability and upgrade them to counter the real attack if happens in future. They mimic the behavior of an attacker in order to developing the security of an organization.
Purpose of Red Team
The goal of deploying a Red Team is to improve the overall security control system of an organization.
- Identifying the vulnerability within the organization in physical, logical and social areas.
- Utilizing the security flaws to gather more information, …show more content…
- Continues war gaming improves the overall security system of the organization
- Improves the ability of existing incident response team etc. to defend a real time cyber-attack in future.
- Improves the organizational incident handling and recovery mechanism to ‘restore the business in time’ at the time of real cyber-attack.
Scope of Red Team Exercise
Defining the scope of the Red teaming exercise is the most important task before an organization deploys the Red team into their environment. Most of the times, it is very specific when determining what are the subjects to be included or excluded in the Red teaming exercise. There are multiple factors including the organization size, number of offices, number of assets, services etc.
There are mainly three areas where the Red team has interest into:
1. The Physical Element
2. The Digital Element and
3. The Social Element or Human Factors
1. Physical Part
Integrated physical security from perimeter to control room is to detect and prevent an intrusion to the organization. There are many aspects part of Physical security including the …show more content…
However, there is a clear difference between these two approaches.
Penetration testing is designed specifically to identify the existing vulnerabilities in the target organization and then trying to exploit them to gain access, extract maximum possible sensitive information in a way an attacker would do. The final result will reflect the deep analysis of business risk poses to the organization by showcasing the process of how can attacker could d extract critical business information by exploiting the existing one or more vulnerabilities.
Penetration testing is a part of Red team exercise. Red teaming is one step ahead of Penetrating testing. It is designed to map the overall security posture of the target organization by all mean (physical, digital and social). Red teaming exercise refines the existing security strategy and performance of the target organization and improves them to the next level by conducting continues planned or ad-hoc security exercise. It helps the organization to examine their current capability and improves their readiness to defend the real time attack if happens at any time.