Unfolding Case #2 Red Yoder
STAGES- Simulation Team Advancing Gerontologic Education Strategies
Educator’s Toolkit
Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the farmhouse he grew up in. It is located 20 miles outside of town. Red has been a widow for 10 years. His son Jon manages the farm now but Red is still involved in the decision making. Jon lives a few miles up the road and he or his wife stop by nearly every day.
In the introductory monologue, Red is awaiting a visit from the home health nurses. He relates that he is a newly insulin-dependent diabetic and has an open wound on his big toe that developed after walking in a new pair of shoes. When his daughter-in-law Judy saw the wound, she …show more content…
The learner will use communication techniques to recognize, respond to and respect an older adult’s strengths, wishes and expectations.
3. The learner will use standardized communication tools to discuss the care of the client with other health care provider.
4. The learner will discuss pertinent assessment findings and what was found that was specific to the older adult patient.
5. The learner will discuss pertinent assessment findings related to the patients diabetic status
7. The learner will implement appropriate interventions based on the assessment data collected.
8. Learner will identify geriatric syndrome(s) evident in the simulation.
Downloaded from http://sirc.nln.org with the permission of the National League for Nursing and Laerdal Medical. This document may be reproduced as long as it retains the following copyright statement:
© Copyright, 2010. Simulation in nursing education: From conceptualization to evaluation. New York: National League for Nursing. Reprinted with permission.
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Simulation Design Template- Sherman “Red” Yoder-Simulation #1
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