The PaintBot makes money for Operation Smile by selling its paintings, along …show more content…
It makes the surgery cheaper and helps them live a better life, because many families with cleft lip or palate don’t have access to surgical care. This is why it would improve their life.
Lastly, this has many economic impacts, but the biggest one is that it saves Operation Smile money, and this also makes it easier to give them surgery faster. This will also help out the people who try to raise money for Operation Smile because more money will be raised, since more people are helping out. It also has a social impact, because it helps the children. Many children get bullied because of their cleft lip. If they can get surgery, then they will be happier. Also, cleft lip can make it very hard to feed these children, because of the separation of the top lip.
If a child is born with cleft lip, they need surgery. But some kids don’t have access to that. This is why Operation Smile needs money to be raised. This RedBot gives the organization money to help those kids get the surgery they need. Many people around the world make a difference, but this robot will change the world… And make those kids