Cemal Inceruh and Oktan Nalbantoglu
Urban spaces are generally defined and created by physical and non-physical entities. Among these entities buildings play important role in defing urban spaces. These open spaces come into being as a part of building (a private courtyard), as spaces between buildings for semi-public activities in culde-sac (as extensions of indoor/courtyard), or as common public gathering and thoroughfare spaces, in a settlement. Yet, these spaces have been studied and analyzed according to different physical and social aspects. But, this paper studies these spaces in different manner inspired from Dominsky`s three domains “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle” of the outcomes of sustainable settlement. However, in this paper, these three “Rs” are used as tools to enhance the sustainability of urban spaces and their ecological importance for a society both physically and morally. The objective of this paper is to explore the criteria of ecological sustainability and adaptation of changing society to traditional Anatolian settlements, and to derive physical issues and features of suatinabile design and planning for new sttelements in hot arid regions.
The current ecological considerations in housing environment create the necessity of a specific type of house construction, appear to be the result of a new phenomenon in human environment. The hightech housing construction technology resulted by Multi-story tenement buildings do not provide direct access to green space and traditional sustainable life style in Turkey. Therefore, micro and macro-climatic conditions and air quality have become worse in Turkey’s multi-story housing environment, and moreover types of flats are not in accord with social requirements in south-eastern Turkey. whereas livable conditions; such as the needs of
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