I then spoke with Conapitski, upon speaking with Conapitski I observed she had swollen lips, cheek, and blood around her mouth and teeth. Conapitski stated she had seen that Jerry is friends with his ex so she began questioning him about it. Conapitski stated Jerry got angry and flipped out on her, yelling at her calling her a whore, slut, and scumbag. Conapitski stated Jerry then began to hit her in the face. Conapitski stated when Jerry struck her he almost wrecked his vehicle. Conapitski stated she began to bleed and blood got all over the dashboard of Jerry's vehicle. …show more content…
Conapitski stated she saw Longenberger arrive at the other Redner's store across the parking lot. Conapitski stated she went running across the parking lot to Longenberger and Jerry followed