The environment is our surroundings.There are trees,herbal plants flower,waterfalls,forests,mountains,water,airetc.Every people can’t live without this environment.All of us want this environemnt to spend our life.So we get many things from environment.Example water,trees,airetc.If you clean this surroundings all of us can healthy and strong life.So we must clean our environment.But today’s population are increasing.These population live with environment.So day by day,the people destroy this environemnt.Specially,I want to tell about the air pollution.In our country,have many industries.So this industries throw chemicals and vassels.In this case,collect lot of carbendioxide air then pollute environment.So many people put garbages to the water.Some times this activity do industries.They put their garbage,chemicals to this water.We can get many information regarding this from T.V and newspapers.So what happend this case pollute the water.Many time the fishes are killed.It will be poisonous.And also many people set fire to chena cultivating.It pollutes the enviroment .We can see so many garbages on road sides.Villager collect the garbages and they use these garbages as their plants.So if you pollute this enironment we will notbe able to grow foods.So we will decide not to pollute the environment.I grew up in a environment where pollution, disease, and other problems are a big issue. Cars and factories release greenhouse gasses into the air, and forests are being cut down. In other countries, many people are behind on cures for diseases. Many people talk about how the polar ice caps are melting and the ozone layer depleting. An Inconvenient Truth opened my eyes to see how today's technology and garbage affect these environmental disasters, and I want to do something about it.…