The purpose of my research is to diagnose the existing organizational culture of Redwood Coast Petroleum (RCP) to establish a more sustainable culture of innovation. With this research I have identified key cultural factors that must be changed for future sustainability of RCP. Using a hybrid qualitative and quantitative methodology, I conducted the diagnosis of RCP’s organizational culture. I used an Innovation Survey Assessment Tool from Innovation Point, a boutique innovation-consulting firm. The Innovation Survey Assessment Tool (ISAT) was given to all the managerial leaders at RCP. I conducted interviews with five of managerial leaders and from the data; I was able to determine that there is a strong preference for change towards a culture that is favorable to innovation; but there is no clear vision and or resources to create a product that will set RCP apart from its competitors.
Past managerial leaders of RCP created a culture that was more about competing in the market instead of being an innovative organizational culture. The culture was less flexible and restrictive which included poor information flow and a lack of communication with negligible cross-function interaction and autonomy. Past organizational practices focused on being a market follower as opposed to a market pioneer. With this type of culture in place, RCP has had limited innovative growth. Fortunately, there is evidence based on the data I collected that indicates the presence of cultural characteristics conducive to an innovative organizational culture. These include: being open to new ideas, new methods, new customs, and new devices. Learning how to create a software program that will help RCP’s customers monitor their fuel tanks; being pro-active in initiating the research and development of such programs; and sustaining momentum, consistency and perseverance of the development process.
The essential purpose of this research paper was to identify critical components
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