Responsible Principles of Business
Reflective Journal
After commencing this course it has given me the opportunity to reflect on two certain aspects of my own life, personal and professional and how sustainability plays a role in both.
At a young age I was taught “what you give out you get back” this was not just in reference to the way we treat each other but also how we treat the planet/environment around us. Growing up we always had quite an extensive vegetable patch where we grew quite a vast array of herbs and vegetables, we also had numerous fruit trees in which we could pick fruit from all year round. If there was too much fruit to be eaten it was either used as compost to be put back into our garden or it was dehydrated and stored accordingly. Products were only bought in the quantities required as to help eliminate the need for wastage.
Much of what I have learnt growing up I have put into practice in my own home. As i currently live in a unit I do not have the space to be able to grow my own fruits or vegetables however I do source most of my fresh produce from local farmers, farmers markets or excess from my parents produce.
Unlike my home life, recycling in my workplace is very minimal. Within my unit complex, there are recycling bins provided. However within my workplace, there are no utilities of such offered. From other workplaces I have visited, there have been recycling bins allocated for staff, primarily next to the printer. Also I have noticed some workplaces have statements below the signatures on the emails received stating “think of the environment before printing this email”. I feel my workplace could adopt this method in helping environmental sustainability in the workplace.
I have since learnt after watching Annie Leonard’s “story of stuff” additional information I was not aware of such as we have consumed 1/3 of the world’s resources, and 80% of our original forests are gone. Annie Leonard also talks about perceived