List of Readings as partial fulfilment for the requirements in
SPE561M: Assessment and Evaluation of Children with Special Needs
Presented by GOTIZA, Adai Liyah M. MA Ed Special Education 11194820
Presented to Dr. W. Sison
19 January 2013
List of Readings
Bendak, L. (2011). The role of individual educational plans in helping cycle one students with dyslexia to become better readers. Middle East Journal of Family Medicine; Nov2011, Vol. 9 Issue 9, p42-47, 6p. Retrieved January 18,2013 from %3d%3d Abstract The purpose of this study is to highlight the importance and role of Individual Educational Plans (IEP) in helping students with Dyslexia, ages six to nine at cycle one of their elementary education. This study emphasizes the need for special education departments in schools where special education teachers can enhance the educational development of students with Dyslexia through the IEPs that identify the individual points of strength and weakness of the student with Dyslexia. The results of this study showed that the efficacy of the IEP on the development of the reading level varied depending on the initial level of difficulty of the student.
Burns M. K., Jacob S., Wagner A. R. (2007) Ethical and legal issues associated with using response-to-intervention to assess learning disabilities. Journal of School Psychology 46 (2008) 263–279. Retrieved January 18, 2013 from M_K__Ethical_a.pdf Abstract The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 allows schools to use a child's response to research-based intervention (RTI) as a part of procedures to identify students with