Against this view, an alternative approach stresses how globalization has actually decreased inter-cultural contacts while increasing the possibility of international and intra-national conflict.
Reflections on Globalization and its impact
On International Business
The term globalization did not become popular until the 20th century. Then onwards, it has become a typical issue understood to affect the whole socio-economic and political life of states throughout the world. Besides, the discourse on globalization is complex with far-reaching effects on national and international laws and policies pertaining to the social, economic and political matters.
It is commonsense knowledge that issues related to globalization are open to debates, as various people have varying perceptions about it. At one extreme, we have those who see
References: 1) Globalization and Its Impacts, 2) Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat, a Brief History of the Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century, Allen Lane, 2005 3) The African Economist.Vol.11, No. 35.2005 4) The Eye on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, Vol. xxxv, No. 128, 2006 5) Kim Kercher, Corporate Social Responsibility-Impact of Globalization and International Business, Bond University.2006 ct of