Know the reasons listed in the textbook why local churches should be in fellowship and cooperation with one another.…
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis urges Christians to take Christ as the model and seek perfection in a simple way of life. The “Brethren of the Common Life” was a group of pious laypeople carrying out the Gospel benevolent teachings to common people; they sought to make religion a personal and spiritual inner experience. They facilitated the religious practices and were a true religious revival.…
Buddhism- India, no caste system, egalitarian, Siddhartha Gautama, missionaries, Nirvana, Eight fold path, four noble truths, Enlightenment…
According to Kenneth Gangel, in his article “The Marks of a Healthy Church,” he seeks to “explain the characteristics of a healthy church using the measurements of the spiritual, biblical, theological, ministry model, and scriptural model of leadership.” To accomplish this Gangel cautions spiritual leaders not to get caught up in measuring church growth in numerical terms. They should accentuate the holiness and sovereignty of God through Bible study, worship, prayer, praise, and fellowship. In following biblical instead of cultural patterns, churches do not feel compelled to stay “up with the times” or get hooked on religious fads and slogans.…
• What do you see in today's local church that is similar or different from the early church?…
The book The Big Four derives from a project headed by the author, S. Joseph Kidder along with a small group of graduate research assistants. Their intent in the four year project was to try to find out why some Adventist churches are growing and why some other churches are not growing. They discovered four major factors that were linked to church growth in the North American Division (NAD): empowering servant leadership, passionate and authentic spirituality, committed and active laity, and God exalting worship. These are the big four; there is a section in the book dedicated to explaining each of these dynamics. This report is dealing with the first two sections dealing with the biblical foundation of Church health and growth and empowering servant leadership.…
The Interview was held at The Rock Church in San Bernardino, California. Their church is huge more like a mini stadium in doors version. Clean well lit and very modern. They have a stage in the church where they hold their services. Where smoke and stage lights light up the stage area when music is performed with a live modern day Christian rock band. Everyone was very nice, energetic and positive. During my interview with Pastor Jim I learned that the basic beliefs are; belief in one God, the trinity which is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. That Jesus Christ was born and suffered and died for our sins so we may enter into heaven. That the bible is the word of God that we are to love one another as we love God & as we love ourselves, to care for one another as well. That people are born with sin so we need to be baptized to be washed of sin. That we all have a relationship with Christ & every day is about honoring him. The rules are simply to obey the ten commandments, the word from the bible, to love one another, care for each other, That relationships with the same gender is a sin, You can only be married in a church once, couples to be married must be of the same faith and must take classes first, No praying to the saints, sins can be forgiven with repenting but no confessions to a human…
Q: In your own words, define “godly character” and explain why it is important for a Christian educator to display such.…
Within this paper I will be reflecting over the first part of Theology 104. This class has addressed many topics that have given me a better understanding on Christianity, the Bible and most importantly Jesus Christ. I will be addressing two topics that I feel are very important to Christianity the first topic being the Importance of Personal Testimony and the second topic covering the Importance of Maintaining a Christian Lifestyle. Both of those topics I think help lay a foundation for an individual’s walk with Christ.…
There are three essential areas that help to define humanity. These are the quality of one's character, one's service and leadership, all which help to shape the future. I try my best each day to fulfill the requirements of character through service and leadership. Character allows people to know each other, as it is the definition of the roles that humans play in the life cycle. Loyalty, determination, optimism, and honesty are very important traits that create one's character. I learned this at my family kitchen table , where conversation and wisdom are dished out with our meal. These are the virtues that allow me to fulfill my life journey.…
Many churches are coming up in this era and each of the churches may have a different motive. Churches that are not formed for the sake of the kingdom are not churches of God and will never remain intact. Qualifications for church leadership according to the bible are clearly laid down in the book of Titus and Timothy among other bible books. The New Testament church had leaders who were referred to as deacons, elders and overseers. These titles were given to the leaders according to the tasks that they were supposed to undertake. There are several qualities that the New Testament church used to appoint the local church leaders. Paul addressed Titus on how he was to appoint leaders in every single town. Instructions were given on the qualities to put into consideration for the sake of the church as well as Christ. The qualifications laid down are broadly divided into two namely blamelessness and hospitality. Blameless characteristic is further subdivided into not quick tempered, husband of one wife, among others. On the other hand, the quality of hospitality has components such as loving to do good, discipline,…
After visiting three church services, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist, and I found many similarities and differences. But first, I will discuss each church service individually. Then, I will compare those services with each other.…
Followership combined with leadership, and it exists in more than two people group such as sports teams, working office and organizations. It especially plays a significant role in Christianity. Christians must consider how important to be good followers from a biblical perspective. God has made it clear that Christians are here to serve others. Christian must learn not only how to follow God, but also fellow brothers in Christ. The Bible teaches…
I am dependable, trustworthy, ambitious, and understanding; continuously striving to do the right thing and putting 100% of my effort into my task. I am dedicated to making sure everything I approach is to my personal standard of excellence. I was able to put use to these traits after being elected Youth Leader of my churches Youth Group. I was given the opportunity of helping people make the right decisions and motivate them to continue to strive for greatness. As a hands-on leader, I tried to instill patience and understandings within my fellow members and to inspire them to continue to do the right thing even outside of…
(144) Not only is community necessary in forming Christian virtues it is a virtue. This is under the pretext that love is a virtue and community foster and allows love. I also have first hand experience with the impact of community on faith and virtues. Over the past summer I was a member of a mission team of twelve young people and three leaders. We lived in community; sharing common household duties such as dishes, cooking, cleaning … Over the course of the month I learned how to love them each and see Christ in them all. I was also pushed and encourage to deepen my faith and discuss it with a community that upheld and lived with Christian virtues; people who were anticipating the future and forming habits that were contagious. I also saw myself and my team as part of the body of Christ, each of having a different mission and purpose. That being said, merely being apart of a christian community will not develop the virtues discussed by Wright. (145) The participant is require to make a willing effort to form virtues and…