GEOG 200
I live in a major city for Tennessee, particularly West Tennessee. Jackson has many landmarks, as I look through this fair city the items that I see and feel have made an impact and are of importance are the buildings. There are numerous businesses, schools, shopping, housing, hospitals, and other buildings in my city. I see all of these buildings, but very little forestry and what little I do see was planted by man in a square in concrete, which human imprint has definitely made its mark in this city. This has all made an impact by creating a large population scale and the manufacturing in the community. There are also many statues of long ago heroes, who guard our fair city. These make a great decoration to the eye and adds more than only buildings and roads. As nightfall begins to come the signs seem to come to life with their vibrant multi colors and designs, some even with motion. During the daylight hours there are many items on the landscape that I can identify with as being key sights to associate with home. One of the most historic and intriguing is the Electric Powers building that was built in the early 1940’s and is still used as the power plant to this day. There become more and more buildings and less natural landscape so frequently. Population and marketing is at such a high rate that the buildings that are already built are completely occupied, and address that more have to be built. Even though it does take away from natural landscape of the area, the quality put into these buildings are phenomenal. Especially the hospital in this area which covers 17 counties of West Tennessee and about 5,000 employees make up the hospitals staff. Most of my city would be a reflection of the movement theme. There is a immense amount of mobility of everything from people to items. I believe it would also be a reflection of the placement theme as well, there are many cities with these