Introduction For this reflective journal assignment, I chose Media Literacy as my reflection topic. The reason why I selected this topic is because I found this topic to be the most interesting and after learning how the Media Literacy works, it has given me the most to think about.
Content Area Reflection My original perspective on Media Literacy was, to make the media and news more literate. Before learning in class, my assumptions were about how to make the media more presentable and informative through speaking and writing. I expected to learn about ways to present news and information that will be better understood to people from all over the world. What I liked the most about Media Literacy was that it has taught me that I should have my own perspective when reading the news, rather than just blindly believing what is put in front of my face. I should always question it first and gather as much as information I could, but from other angles. These actions will definitely help me when it comes to minimizing the biases on the news, and be able to tell it from a more justice angle. What I liked least about this area is that since most medias are ran by a variety of groups of corporations, it is extremely intuitive for them to manipulate factual information, and to give biased information for their advantage. Another thing is that everyone has a different perspective on the news they see or hear, based on their own identities, values and backgrounds. It is not always easy to distinguish the facts behind the news presented, therefore I should be more aware of how to protect myself from false or misleading information. The Media Literacy topic is difficult because there is no way of eliminating the biases from the media outlets, and also there is no clear distinct line for right or wrong in the media. However, by having a more thorough understanding of media literacy will help minimize the biases so that I can