Reflection of experience as a Student Nurse
Every student has their own experience as a college student that they will never forget in life. Just like me as a student nurse, I also have my own experience and that was exciting. In that time when I was in Semester 3 at Hospital Kulai, Johor I got posting in pre and post natal ward. For the first I came in ward, my clinical instructor ask me to do assignment. She told me to choose any patients as long as not out on a topic. And then I pick one of the mothers and I continue to do a procedure like check her blood pressure, temperature, pulse and weight and body mass index (BMI). After that, I help her to go to the bathroom and told her to do a urine test. And then I also assess how long, strong and frequent her contraction are, and how much pain her are in. Beside that I check a fetal heart rate by used an electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) and the first time I feel very excited to hear a heartbeat baby.
After record, I help a doctor to bring patient to go to scan room and a doctor want check by scanning to the patient for look if has any bleeding or meconium in the amniotic fluid. During scanning doctor ask her does she felt the baby movement when contractions started are frequently or not. A patient give a good respond and a result is fine and doctor told me to bring the patient into the room. After that a doctor coming with injection and that is oxytocin for stimulate contraction. But at the same time I must check patient’s vital sign and fetal heart rate to make sure it’s stable and controlled. Doctor told me to immediately report to her is any adverse effects that occur to the patient and her baby. After 3 hours waiting, patient feel more contraction and feel painfully and I immediately told doctor. Doctor asked a patient permission to do a vaginal examination to measure how many centimeter opening of the cervix.
Doctor told me a cervix has opening in 4cm and