I. Introduction Paragraph
A. Summarize
1. Jesus Film
a) Messianic Prophecies
b) Jesus’ Teachings
c) Miracles
2. Journal #2
a) Messianic Prophecies
b) Jesus’ Teachings
c) Miracles
B. Miracles Topics
1. Messianic Prophecies
a) one sentence summing up passages
2. Jesus’ Teachings
a) one sentence summing up passages
3. Miracles
a) one sentence summing up passages
C. Thesis
II. Messianic Prophecies
A. Isaiah 9:1-7
B. Isaiah 42:1-7 –
1. Jesus will treat kindly those who come to Him humbly for forgiveness, restoration, strength, or wisdom,
C. Isaiah 53
III. Jesus’ Teachings
A. Matthew 5-7
B. Luke 15
IV. Miracles
A. Mark 5
B. John 11
V. Application Of Messianic Prophecies to
1. Current major
2. Personal experiences
3. Today’s culture
4. Today’s society
VI. Application Of Jesus’ teachings to
1. Current major
2. Personal experiences
3. Today’s culture
4. Today’s society
VII. Application Of Miracles to
1. Current major
2. Personal experiences
3. Today’s culture
4. Today’s society
VIII. Conclusion Paragraph
Love for God, each other, and ourselves.
Faith in God
God does not care if you are a sinner
The Bible is the story of the creation of the universe and humanity. The Bible is also the story of the life of Jesus.
Throughout the Bible we can find prophecies of the Messiah, learn what God desires of us as revealed in the teachings of Jesus, and the miracles that abound to all who believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy