1- “We are at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history.” Explain this statement by giving examples.
A : The provision of food, water and fuel is a precondition of civilized society: they are necessary factors for the survival of the human species but these days its hard to use that goods and services for most of the countries.The prices are increasing quickly at global level so surviving on earth getting difficult in time.
2. What are the causes of financial crisis that erupted in 2008?
A : The rise in goods prices caused by consumer demand. People have real purchasing power because of this the manufactors couldnt enough for their demands. All major sectors in different markets , including the middle classes in the developed countries are affected that influction.People have to deal with a major economic and social upheaval, an unprecedented global crisis, characterized by the triangular relationship between water, food and fuel: three fundamental variables, which together affect the very means of human survival.
3. Define the triple crises of food, water and oil and explain some of the causes.
A : For oil ; The reason for crise of oil was the cost of barrel of oil in the Middle East.
The costs of a barrel of oil extracted from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, is of the order of $30
For food ; The global food crisis, chacterized by major hikes in the prices of basic food staples, has spearheaded millions of people around the World into starvation and chronic deprivation. For water ; According to UN sources, which vastly underestimate the seriousness of the water crisis, one billion people worldwide (15% of the World population) have no access to clean water “and 6,000 children die every day because of infections linked to unclean