I chose to do a lesson surrounding the basic concept of mixing colors with these four children because, during my observation, these children were doing an art activity and one of the child commented that she cannot draw the trees in her garden because she does not have any green paint. I asked her, why don’t you make some and she …show more content…
I contextualized these learning objectives for the students by allowing them to directly interact with the materials and encouraged them to make predictions and ask questions when doing their exploration. Martin, D. et. Al. (2005), mentioned that the inquiry method “encourages teaching that foster children’s construction of their own conceptualizations in ways that make sense to them…there are no right or wrong answer, however, there are valid conclusions” (pg. 23). The lesson was designed in order to have students experiment and draw their own conclusions. There were no right or wrong answers, the activities were age appropriate and were designed so they can explore