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[Table of Contents]
Section 1: Introduction and Problem Statement
Culture has many different definitions but most of them have a lot in common. It is said in the business world that there are several attributes that define and distinguish cultures of so many nations from each other, such as traditions, techniques, beliefs, institutions and many more (Miller, Griffin, Di Paolo & Sherbert, 2009). In recent years, due to the worldwide expansion of the economy, multinational companies had to take actions in order to stay competitive. They have decided to go further outside their countries of origin improving and widening their chains all over the world and broadening their borders in order to offer products and services to people from different cultures (Lin, Koroglu & Olson, 2012). In 2004 Hyundai Truck & Bus in Russia had 18 dealers all over the country and the number had increased to 47 by 2005. As for now there are 62 dealers of “Hyundai ComTrans Rus” in the country and the number is forecasted to grow. In the meantime the main competitors of “Hyundai” in the commercial transport market in Russia have been expanding rapidly since the beginning of their operating activity in the European part of the country.
References: Ekerete, P. P. (2001). The Effect of Culture on Marketing Strategies of Multinational Firms: a Survey of Selected Multinational Corporations in Nigeria. Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, 22(July), 93–101. Retrieved from http://www.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kiroku/asm_normal/abstracts/pdf/22-2/93-101.pdf Fletcher, R. (1999). The Impact of Culture on Marketing at the Bottom of the Pyramid – a Relationship Creation and Network Development Approach. University of Western Sydney, Australia, (1998). Retrieved from http://www.unice.fr/crookall-cours/iup_cult/_docs/_Fletcher - Cultural Differences marketing 5687.pdf He, R., & Liu, J. (2010). Barriers of Cross Cultural Communication in Multinational Firms. Halmstad School of Business and Engineering, 1–32. Retrieved from http://hh.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:344618/FULLTEXT01.pdf Lebedyantseva, A., & Litovchenko, S. (2012). [Competitors Analysis]. Unpublished raw data. Lin, Y., Koroglu, D., & Olson, L. (2012). The Influence of Cultural Values in Advertising: Examples From China and The United States. Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, South Dakota State University, (May), 435–441. Retrieved from http://www.cmdconf.net/2012/makale/82.pdf Miller, E. C., Griffin, T., Di Paolo, P., & Sherbert, E. (2009). The Impact Of Cultural Differences On The Effectiveness Of Advertisements On The Internet: A Comparison Among The United States, China, And Germany. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 8(4), 1–12. Retrieved from http://journals.cluteonline.com/index.php/IBER/article/view/3121/3169 Rozkwitalska, M. (2013). Effective Cross-cultural Relationships in Multinational Corporations . Foreign Subsidiaries ’ Viewpoint. 3rd Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviour, (BizStrategy), 65–74. doi:10.5176/2251-1970 Tian, K., & Borges, L. (2011). Cross-Cultural Issues in Marketing Communications : An Anthropological Perspective of International Business. International Journal of China Marketing, 2(1), 110–126. Retrieved from http://www.na-businesspress.com/IJCM/TianKWeb2_1_.pdf