Length: 50 minutes
Intended Grade: 11th Grade
Academic Standard(s):
USH.7.2 Evaluate various methods and philosophies (e.g. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Black Panthers, and Malcolm X) to bring about social justice during the Civil Rights Movement. (Individuals, Society and Culture) 11-12. SL.2.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) on grade-appropriate topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing personal ideas clearly and persuasively.
Performance Objective(s):
Through an Extension Wheel activity, the students will demonstrate their knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement and effectively participate in collaborative …show more content…
Each member will have to present to the class as a whole what another member shared. In doing this activity, the educator will be able to interpret if the student has a grasp on the content and if they were able to participate effectively in the discussion.
Advanced Preparation by Teacher: The educator will need to print off copies of the Extension Wheel template for each student. It may be useful to have potential group of students set up so that each one is cultural different rather than the same. This will help the students make cultural connections to the topic.
Introduction/Motivation: The educator will introduce the lesson by introducing the Civil Rights Movement. The review will be 5-10 minutes of lecture to preview the material. After the introducing the material, the educator will disburse a hard-copy of the Extension Wheel template and ensure all students understand how the activity works. This is performed to ensure every student has an understanding of how to achieve at a