Along with the education portion of “BSN in Ten”, The Institute of Medicine focused on facts that nurse’s education from the 20th century were not adequate for the 21st century anymore. The patients’ needs and care environments have changed and become more complex. There have been arguments that it is not possible to teach nursing students in 2 years for an Associate’s Degree what the Bachelor’s Degree nurses learn in 4 years. There is not enough emphasis spent on the evidence based practice in a 2-year degree, therefore, making the Bachelor’s Degree a better choice. The nurses need to be educated to deliver a higher quality of care.…
The Impact of the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report on the Future of Nursing in Education, Practice and Leadership…
In 2010 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) generated a report making recommendations that outline progressive planning for the future of nursing. The Institute has responded to barriers and offers solutions to the rapidly changing healthcare model in light of the affordable care act (The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health, 2011). This paper will consider the impact of the IOM on nursing education, nursing practice and the nurse’s role as a leader. It will examine, what I believe to be positive changes that could be implemented in my practice to meet the goals of the IOM report.…
Today’s healthcare system is going through different transformations and changes for many reasons because of the growing demands of medical professionals. The Institute of medicine worked with other agencies and came up with a report to face the demands and needs of the present healthcare system. The IOM report provides abundant opportunities for nurses to advance in education, improve nursing practice, and progress in leadership. Higher education will aid nurses by enabling them to provide high-quality healthcare for general population at an affordable level. Nurses will be…
According to the IOM report, it is crucial that nurses achieve higher levels of education and training in order to prepare themselves for the dynamic work environment in which they will participate (IOM Forum on Future of Nursing Summary, 2010, para 1.) Higher nursing degrees provide nurses with more critical thinking skills; this will create efficiency and improved quality of care for the patient. In order to increase nursing competence, it is paramount that there is an improved education system that promotes continuous academic progression as opposed to the current disjointed system that is both archaic and ineffective. As well as increasing the percentage of nurses who attain a Baccalaureate in the Science of Nursing (BSN) to 80% by 2020, having at least 10% of BSN nurses to enter a master or doctoral program, and doubling the number of nurses who pursue doctoral degrees, the profession should institute residency training in addition to currently instrumented internship programs for novice nurses. It is not enough that nurses simply attain a BSN before heading directly into the nursing workforce; it is imperative that newly graduated…
Institute of medicine requires nurses to do a lot of continuing education in order to assist them to cope with some of the challenges, and changes in the complex health care system. The IOM’s main concern on nursing education is to increase the percentage of nurses with higher degrees, and also to inspire nurses to continue to improve on their education in order to reduce nursing staff and nurse-educator shortages. Although a lot of people believe that Baccalaureate educated nurses can meet the standard of practice already, from the fact that the knowledge that the BSN nurses acquire during their 4 year education prepares them to perform better within the ever changing health care system.…
In this day and age when medicine becomes more technological and industry driven, nursing needs to find its new role in the rapidly transforming healthcare system. In 2010 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published proposals about remodeling of nursing in the U.S. - “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” This report points out to the need for changes in education, expanding practice, and demonstrating leadership in nursing. This modification will have a strong effect on the nursing in future and will contribute to changes of scope and standards of practice.…
The IOM report on the future of nursing clearly emphasizes the role that nursing education plays in maintaining and possibly increasing the state and quality of medical care in the United States. For nursing practice in the nation…
The IOM’s report on ‘Future of Nursing’ has intensified the dream of many professional nurses who have been practicing nursing for many years. This dominant report was submitted by IOM based on a great analytical study and the research conducted by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). This report clearly indicates that the nursing professionals would be utilized more to redesign the America’s health care needs. The skills of a professional nurse will comply with the needs of prevailing dynamic and diverse population. The report reiterates that nurses have to practice to the full extent to utilize their education and training. It also justifies nurses as leaders and fully fledged valued team members of the health care system. Nurses have been an enabling force and can be recognized to bring remarkable change in health care in many dimensions (Aiken et al., 2009).…
Health care system in the U.S. is being stretch to its elastic limit due to overloaded rapid aging patient population and their attendant complex medical problems. The rapid expansion in healthcare industry is also a result of new findings in research and innovations, an increase in chronic illnesses and disability that is shifting healthcare to the community to absorb the rapid expansion. Nurses as partners in health care delivery forming the largest segment of health care professionals with about three million members, are the main focus to reform the health care industry both in the hospital and the community. Because of the changing of the demographics of healthcare demand at the moment and what it is going to look like in the coming years, the future of nurses needs to be look at in order to meet the challenges of health care delivery now and in the future. It was in view of this that the IOM report and recommendations is considered important and timely in order to change the direction of nursing education and roles in the healthcare industry. The IOM report presented a blue print about the future of nursing and…
The impact of the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on nursing education has outlined the need for nurses with higher degrees due to the changes required in caring for a more diversified population. In the 21st century, health care challenges have shifted dramatically. The population of America is older and by the year 2030 an estimated 20 percent of the population will be 65 and older. The change in cultures and socioeconomic factors has become more diverse and the need for new approaches in care is needed. The complexity of health care environments requires a higher quality of care as most health care professionals are dealing with more chronic illnesses nationwide (Institute of Medicine, October 5, 2010).…
This IOM report strongly encourages our nursing population to obtain higher degrees. Not only does the committee prefer baccalaureate, master and doctorate prepared nurses, but they want to see our nursing population become more diverse. They want the nursing workforce to be leaders, able to meet the needs of all patients and able to deliver care at a higher standard. Health policy and health care financing competencies need to be included in the curriculum as well as leader ship, quality improvement and systems thinking (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, 2011). The committee has set a goal for 80% of nurses to have a minimum of a BSN by the year 2020. In order for this goal to be met, several changes in our education programs need to occur. One change is…
Knowledge and skills learned can be enhanced through education and lifelong learning experience to keep up with the pace of the growing needs of the healthcare industry. Every nurse should engage in a learning process to keep up with the challenges of this century. Nurses have given a wide scope of practice and one should take advantage of that to enhance oneself to better job where one can help train the new generation of nurses. Education will always be an assess in today’s job market as well as in the future. Every nurse should encourage and support one another to higher…
The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing health care environment. Expanding knowledge by pursuing higher education allows nurses to enlarge one’s practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse’s level of education can become a critical factor to the patient-centered quality of care. This essay describes increased demand for higher education in nursing and emphasizes the necessity of continuing education to provide optimum patient care in various setting.…
There have been breakthrough movements made in the effort to establish racial equality in the United States. Historically there have been protests and boycotts leading to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and affirmative action. The government has also gone further to reinforce the laws established in 1964 to amend this act in the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Classes in social diversity can now be found within the school system in order to broaden the minds and explain differences to the members of society.…