Reflect on what you have learnt during the Study Skills module, focusing particularly on the marking workshop.
Reflection can be defined as “…reviewing experience from practice that it may be described, analysed, evaluated and consequently used to inform and change future practice.” (Bulman 2008:4).
Study skills are important in university education as Cottrell (2013:7) states “… higher level study is different from their precious experience.”. Study skills enhance an efficient learning and lead you to success as a student.
In this paper, I would like to show you the reflection on what I have learnt during the Study Skills module, particularly on the marking workshop which is very helpful in preparing the coming assignments as well as laying the foundations of my study path.
Model of Reflection
For more systematic of the assessment, it is important to use a framework. The Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle is a popular model for reflection. The model includes six stages of reflection. (Figure 1).
Gibbs reflective cycle is a form of structured reflection model which is clear and precise allowing for description, analysis and evaluation of the experience helping us to make sense of experiences and examine our practice. To reflect is not enough, action is the most important that we have to put into practice the learning and new understanding we have gained therefore allowing the reflective process to inform our practice. Gibbs prompts us to formulate an action plan. This enables us to look at our practice and see what we would change in the Gibbs’ (1988) Model of Reflection
I have been being a registered nurse for three years and decided to achieve the basic qualification, Bachelor study. Gaining updated information and knowledge are benefited in working and being more competitive in this society. Three lessons are passed. The Study Skills module which is the first module of the BSc (Hons) Health Care Studies (Nursing)
References: Bulman C (2008) An Introduction to reflective Practice. In: Bulman C & Schutz S (Eds) (2008) Reflective Practice in Nursing. (4th ed). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 1-24. Cottrell S (2013) The Study Skills Handbook (4th ed). Basingstroke: Palgrave Macmillan. (n.d.) Define Discussing. Available at (accessed 25/02/2014). Gibbs G (1998) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. London: Further Education Unit, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. Wikidot (2011) Analysing Tracipt 11. Available at (accessed 26/02/2014). Wikipedia (2014) Reading (process). Available at (accessed 25/02/2014). Wordnik (n.d.) Self-thinking Definition and Meaning. Available at (accessed 26/02/2014). YourDictionary (n.d.) Definition of Practicing. Available at (accessed 26/02/2014).