Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo who wrote journey diary about “Embassy to Tamerlane” was a Spanish traveler and writer. In 1403-06 he was sent as an ambassador to the court of Timur, founder and ruler of Timurid Empire, by the Henry III of Castile. The original intention of the journey was to meet Timur in his winter pasturage in Qarabagh what is now modern Georgia, but due to the bad weather they were forced to return back to Constantinople to spend the winter. Then they continued their travel, but were unable to catch up Timur because of his rapid moving, so they had to follow his way till the Samarqand, capital of Timurid Empire. All the descriptions in his journey were witnessed by him personally. His diary is distinguished from other sources by it detailed and precise notes kept while travelling.
At first when you start reading this narrative you immediately pay attention to the dates and days of week that he described in his work. Clavijo and his company were treated very well when they were in the territory of Timur’s Empire. About this he wrote from the beginning till the end adding Tmiur’s words that they should attain higher position and be treated better than Chinese delegation, who came to demand tribute. During his journey he mostly concentrated on the appearance of buildings, political structure of the societies, economic activities of the people, trade and kind of taxes that Timur took from the Iron Gate and Gate in Derbend. Timur himself favored trade, this can be seen by his order of building enjoyable conditions for merchants even by destroying houses on the main roads of Samarqand to build wide road through the city. Clavijo also described home town of Timur, Kesh, capital Samarqand and Timur himself in detail. According to his descriptions Samarqand was bigger than the Seville, and homes are