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Week 1: Purpose
Rick Warren says most of the time we Christians are answering the wrong questions. Bottom line, the central question for ourselves and the world should be, "What on earth am I here for?" In other words, what is the purpose for my life?
The writer of Ecclesiastes describes three negative effects of not knowing the purpose of your life: * Life seems tiresome, a treadmill that doesn't go anywhere; * Life seems unfulfilling, with nothing new and satisfying; * Life seems uncontrollable; we can't change what's crooked.
We have two options. We can make up our own purpose to life, perhaps by throwing ourselves into our work or a hobby. Or we can seek to discover what God created us for. To do so, we must begin with God. When we know God's purpose for us: * Life has focus, with incredible power, like a laser; * Life is simpler; we have time to do what God designed us for; * Life has motivation; we see need, which increases determination; * Life is but preparation for eternity, a short prelude to forever!
Pastor Warren says, when our time on earth is over, God will ask us two questions: 1. "What did you do with my son Jesus Christ?" 2. "What did you do with your life?"
Week 2: Worship
Let's face it,