I have chosen to present my reflective report using Driscoll’s model (2007) of reflection because it is a developmental model that includes all the core skills of reflection: description, self-awareness, critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis; it consists in three stages in reflecting on one’s practice: ‘what?’ ‘so what?’ ‘now what?’. These trigger questions give a broad and substantial reflective process by challenging a more in depth examination, resulting in an action plan for the future (Bulman & Schutz,…
Marriott, S. (2013). THE IMPORTANCE OF REFLECTION WITH IMPROVING CARE AND IMPROVING STANDARDS AND THE 6CS. Available: http://www.rcn.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/586654/ReflectivePractice.pdf. Last accessed 10th April 2015.…
In this reflection, I have utilized Gibbs (1988) Reflective cycle. This cyclical model is a recognized framework to assist with a critical reflection on practice. I chose to use this cycle because it will improve my nursing practice continuously, and learning from the experience for better and improved practice. Gibbs (1988) reflective model consists of six stages. Boyd and Fales (1983) offer a useful definition of reflection, suggesting that it is “the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, and which results in a changed conceptual perspective.” According to Siviter, 2004, p165) explains that reflection is about gaining self-confidence, identifying when to improve, learning from own mistakes and behaviours, looking at other people’s perspective, being self aware and improving the future by from the past. However, having knowledge about reflection does not necessarily mean that nurses are able to use reflection in a meaningful way during practice. Self reflection helps nurses to learn about the actual practice of nursing and helps them to evaluate their own practice and performance. Reflection may also be prompted by more positive states, for…
The use of a recognised frame work allows for a more structured interpretation when reflecting upon practice (Dyke, 1999). For the purpose of this essay I am going to use Gibbs’ (1998) mode of reflecting. This is a reflective cycle which provides a straight forward and structured framework and encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what the professional would do should the situation arise again. It must be noted however that any reflective practice is reliant on memory and interpretation of events - selective memory is a particular problem especially following a negative event…
Reflective practice is something we all carry out every single day, probably without even realising it. We use reflection in many different situations and under many different circumstances, as a way of improving our own skills and abilities for different things, as individuals. Cowan proposed that learners are reflecting in an educational way, “When they analyse or evaluate one or more personal experiences, and attempt to generalise from that thinking” (1999: 18). Reflective practice allows us to look at something we have carried out and allows us to see whether or not we handled the situation properly or whether we would handle it differently if we were giving the opportunity to do it again. By doing this reflecting enables you to see how you have improved in certain areas and pinpoint areas which may need some improvement. It’s basically a way of seeing what you have learnt and perhaps shedding light on what could be done in the future. Moon’s theory runs parallel to this as he says that reflective practice is “a set of abilities and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind” (1999:63). Suggesting that reflective practice is directly linked with the thinking you do surrounding something you…
Over the past couple of weeks I have been reflecting on a clinical skill where I was the nurse who had to assit a patient who was unable to feed herself. By reflecting on my experiences I became aware of my feelings, communication, and observations which was not in the forefront of my awareness during my recording. The following paper I am going to evaluate how the skill was preformed so it can be improved for future practise. I have choosen to use Gibbs (1998) model of reflection as cited by Mc Cabe & Timmons (2006).…
Reflecting on the situation that had taken place during my second placement working in the community. This will give me the perfect opportunity to develop and utilise my commutation skills in order to maintain the relationships with my patient. In this reflection, I am going to use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988). Baird and Winter (2005,) give some reasons why reflection is require in the reflective practice. They state that a reflect is to generate the practice knowledge, assist an ability to adapt new situations, develop self-esteem and satisfaction as well as to value, develop and professionalizing practice. However, Siviter (2004) explain that reflection is about gaining self-confidence, identify when to improve, learning from own mistakes and behaviour, looking at other people perspectives, being self-aware and improving the future by learning the past.…
With this I chose a game from the LSIS workshop that will help me as well to feel more confident in that area again. I also wanted to challenge my learners a different way than just questioning so I introduced a fun muscle game. I first found a great facial muscle diagram (Bodyteen.com Anatomy 2012) that I always think is a great way to see where the muscles are, seen on Appendix 1. The students do not get taught theory in my lessons however now I am teaching massage I wanted to bring in a game that will help their theory side but also how they perform there practical. I put my learners in to groups of three, they had a list of ten facial muscles, post -it notes and a pen. This was a race to write the muscles down on the post -it notes then stick them on the chosen person of where the muscles are on the face. They had ten minutes to complete the task, once their group had finished they had to put their hand up. When all the groups were finished I put a diagram up on the whiteboard and as a class and the groups we worked out the winner of who got them all right, then who got them all right and was the…
In this task I will be reflecting upon an incident undertaken on area of my work. The model of reflection I’ve chosen is Gibbs (1988), which involves reflection on the description, feelings, evaluation, conclusion and action plan (Gibbs 1988). The Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle is fairly straightforward and encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what you would do if the situation arose again. The procedure in which I will be reflecting upon is Last offices; I chose this due to how constructive and valuable it was in my personal and professional development as a student practitioner nurse.…
While my clinical experience is restricted to the four weeks working at GCUH I believe that my communication skills and enthusiasm to learn ensures my ability to relate and learn health industry standards and processes. One of my personal attributes is the ability to deliver and communicate ICT solutions with non IT literate users this along with my passion to always improve services and strive for efficiency, ensures successful outcomes for the staff and the business. I hope that I have been able to outline some of my abilities and attributes that would make me an asset to your Windows 7 rollout team and I look forward to discussing this with you in the near future.…
This is a reflective report based on my experiences whilst on my first antenatal placement in a local hospital. I am going to use Gibbs Model for Reflection (1988) for this reflective writing, which is a effective way to help me to record my feelings and thoughts on antenatal care visits I attended, the varying patients I examined, the outcomes of these examinations and any problems or achievements I felt important in my time there. Description To be honest, I did assume a variety of situations that might occur in the hospital before starting my clinical placement, such as I couldn't take the correct blood pressure, or I might ask the improper questions, etc.…
The purpose of this essay is to select an incident which occurred during clinical placement and to discuss and reflect on it in order to improve future practice. To do this, the framework of the Marks-Maran and Rose Model of Reflection (1997) will be used. Utilising the four stages of this model, I will describe the incident, give a reflective observation, discuss related theory and conclude with thoughts for any future actions. Any patient discussed will be given a pseudonym to ensure patient confidentiality as described by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2010).…
This essay will discuss a clinical experience in which I feel more competent in practicing. I will use a reflective model to discuss how I have achieved the necessary level of competence in my nurse training programme.The reflective model I have chosen to use is Gibbs model (Gibbs 1988). Gibbs model of reflection incorporates the following: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan (Gibbs 1988). The model will help facilitate critical thought process as it relates theory to practice. Discussion will include the knowledge underpinning practice and the evidence base for the clinical skill. A conclusion to the essay will then be given which will discuss my reflection skills, acknowledge my competence and show my personal and professional development.…
On Wednesday 4/5/2017 Q informed that she had fever symptoms,sho told me that she couldn’t come to work because it was cause of contamination.She would give us medical certificate from doctor to confirm when she was fit to return to work…
Reflection is an important tool for all health care practitioners. It can improve our skills and help us understand the choices we make while in practice. Williams (2001) states that “Reflective learning involves assessment and re-assessment of assumptions and critical reflection occurs whenever underlying premises are being questioned”. Critically reflecting on events we experience will continually add to our understanding and knowledge base. “Reflection makes the practitioner mindful of their practice, encouraging analysis and increasing self-awareness in relation to our own skills, knowledge and emotions”. Price, (2005).…