The Franciscan Vision
Unit II- Human Dignity: Central Principle of CST
13 April 2011
The central concern of the Dennis readings involved our individual obsession with material things, and the efforts we take to obtain and keep these fabricated items above all cost at the expense of our fellow man’s human dignity. Dennis states that like the rich man of the gospel we adopt the posture of supporting the ‘right’ cause as a means of fitting in with the norms of culture, afraid to be seen as the outsider by our community (Dennis, Nangle and Lobeda-Moe).
The central concern in the U.S. Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism 1979 identified that the sense of urgency to eradicate racisms has over time mellowed to a bylined acceptance within our society. Racism, in some respects is even more dangerous to human dignity and as such harder to combat and renders the recipient questioning his or her value or sense of worth (U.S. Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism).
The central concern in A Catholic Recommitment to Overcome Poverty and to Respect the Dignity of All God’s Children compares the symbolism of the table of worship to the empty table of poverty that many in the nation daily confront. Catholic teaching imparts us to look beyond the numerical report of poverty instead promote and practice living the virtues of welcoming at the table all in our communities, nation and the world (A Pastoral Reflection of the U.S. Catholic Bishops).
The passage that most sparked my interest related to the statistics provided in the U.S. article on Racism that proved continued existence of racism remains constant especially for the Black race. As a descendant from the Maroons of Jamaica, I have instilled in my children that they are more than skin color and if they truly desire something whether it is a certain profession or sport venture, hampered only by lack of individual effort. Having never encountered racism, I count
Cited: A Pastoral Reflection of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. "A Place at the Table." 13 November 2002. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 12 April 2011 . Dennis, Marie, et al. "St. Frances and the Foolishness of God." Maryknollm, NY: Orbis, 1993. 28-44. U.S. Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism. "Brothers and Sisters to Us." 1979. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 11 April 2011 .