As long as this is clear I will then move on to checking the hand to make sure there is no swelling, discolouration, abrasions or thickening of the skin. I will also check the health of the nails and whether any areas of the hand itself are painful to touch. I shall make sure the recipient is comfortable and if all is well I shall proceed, starting with the right hand I will work each area for 30 seconds (longer if a reflex requires it).
First, the pituitary gland reflex which is located in the centre of the fleshy thumb pad. With the palm facing up I will use medium pressure and make small circular movements with my thumb bent at the knuckle using the outer edge of my …show more content…
I shall then move seamlessly on to the pineal gland which is on the inside of the thumb and will continue with small circular movements and rotation. I will then work the back and side of the head, neck and top of the brain by starting at the inner edge of the base of the thumb and walking my thumb towards the tip in pressure lines until the whole thumb has been covered and I’ll finish by working across the top of the thumb.
The next stage is the spinal and neck reflexes, these are worked by walking my thumb downwards from the base of the thumb to the wrist joint and back up again. This should be repeated at least three times before working around the base of the thumbnail from the outside to the inside and back to the outside, taking small even steps. The hand should be supported at all times ad the palm facing upwards.
Now, I turn the hand over so the palm is facing downwards in order to work the face reflexes. Here we work from the bottom of the back of the thumb to the tip, again in parallel lines until the reflex has been covered. Then I work the area between the thumb and index finger at the base of the thumb in small circular movements as this is the vocal cords reflex