Self reflection helps you to learn and reflect on important information. This can be reflection on quantitative and qualitative information. Self reflection can help me to write about the course or programme that you have studied. It can make you write about the experience that you had in modules, and if any changes need to be changed then you can work through this by sharing your skills. It can make me write about your personal reflection. It’s a way to remove any struggles that you are encountering in any of the students school, college, university life (McQuarrie, E. F. 2006). Self reflection can help you with questions that are on your mind. It can make you think about change and focus about the right question. It gives your brain something to work on, and helps you with the situation so that you can feel better. Moreover self reflection can make you commit to the right decision and make you stick to that decision. So this empowers you to improve your life.
I am a student from Dubai enrolled in an undergraduate programme. I had basic business education before starting with this programme and studying in London is a turning step in my life. Before enrolling for my business course in Regent University I reflected on two issues. Firstly, I wanted to pursue an education in fields, which would enable me to target my future goals. Geographically, Dubai, as the connecting point between Asia and rest of the world, is aiming to become a greater business hub, where world trade will be facilitated from Asian countries to the rest of the world. By winning the bid for hosting EXPO 2020, Dubai redefined its well promising position in the world stage as a business power. Demand for business –oriented people has increased in Dubai in recent years. Future opportunities in my country urged me to pursue a career in this field. Secondly, I am aiming at getting a business qualification in a country well recognised and honoured in other
References: 1. Dyer, J. H., Gregerson, H. B., & Christensen, C. M. (2011) The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press 2. McQuarrie, E. F. (2006) The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners. California: Sage Publications, Inc. 3. Greenstreet, K. (2005) “Ground Truth” and the Importance of Market Research. [WWW] Available from: 4. Pyle, Lesley. S. (2010) How to Do Market Research., Available from: 5. Gerber, S. (2009) 6 Steps to the Perfect Pitch – Pitching Your Business. [WWW] Available from: