Introduction The process of human being becoming a member of a society can be termed as socialization. This is a learning process where an individual gathers knowledge, skills, values, tradition and norms. The interaction of a child with his parents, relatives, friends etc help develop his individuality and the ability to conceive of his own volition. The forming process of a child in a society and family is made possible with the important aspect his own reflection shaping his cultural profile. Family The child’s forming process in its entirety is supported by socialization with his family. The socialization is characterized by love and affection without any conflict of interest between parents and the children till they reach their adolescence. Within a family, the relationship between parents and the child is considered as the most frequent relationship (Day, 2010). The socialization of a child with his family is based on intimate contacts such as, trust, respect, a deep sense of obligation and mutual commitment. A family with a deep sense of belonging acts as a binding force for its members giving them a richer sense than a mere self-identity. A close-knit family shapes an individual’s values, norms, beliefs, goals that are highly internalized and something exclusive to the ménage. The family members try to achieve goals evident in their effort to acquire, allocate and distribute resources, such as money, time, space and personal contact that family members devote to each other. The socialization process with the social agent of family features gender socialization. The gender socialization is the way a girl and a boy learns how to act and behave in a society differently because of the difference of their gender. The parent’s behavior towards their children varies too, depending on their gender. For example, girls are taught to be sensitive and
References: Arnett, J.J. (1995). Broad and narrow socialization: The family in the context of a cultural theory. Journal of Marriage and Family, 57, 617-628. Day, R. D. (2010). Introduction to Family Processes (5th ed.). New York: Routledge. Durkheim, E. (1995). The Elementary Form of Religious Life, trans. Karen E. Fields. New York: Free Press.