should have equal rights and opportunities.”
Taking that definition as the basis for their argument, tons of people ask me, why I’m prolonging this
feminist “nonsense” They say its high time people accept that men and women are equal. They have
the same opportunities, same rights. I wasn’t really keen on the ‘feminist’ name tag either. Mostly,
due to its association with single, angry women burning bras and holding sign boards saying “We
don’t need men to dictate us.”
It took me a while to reflect upon my purpose for calling myself a feminist. It involved intensive
googling at 3 am and long discussions with friends in coffee shops to …show more content…
I fight for their ability to take in all these atrocities imposed on them
while the society condemns them and their husbands satisfy their lust.
I’m a feminist because 5% of women on college campuses experience rape or sexual abuse every
year. I fight for a safe learning environment where girls are not afraid to go to the library after 11pm.
I’m a feminist because every 1 out of 4 women experiences domestic violence. Neither men nor
women should experience something so scarring from someone they love.
I’m a feminist because millions of girls are still denied the right to education.
Yet, I am also a feminist because of the incorrect portrayal of men. Men are shown as the stronger,
more abusive gender only interested in sex. I fight for all the men who have a million expectations
thrust upon them to prove their masculinity. They are not allowed to be who they are just because
of society’s narrowly drawn picture of who a man is.
Feminism is about equality and not preference of a particular gender over the other. Only when the
society eliminates stereotypes that involve denying education to a girl child or asking boys to “stop
crying and man up” will we be able to progress and create a better world for the coming