Thankfully, I was accepted into a wonderful program the summer going into my senior year. I was so excited for the experience. It was a six-week, Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm program. Each week I was assigned to shadow a …show more content…
The doctors I shadowed were very helpful and understood that I was just learning. They would take time out of their busy schedule to explain a word, procedure, or surgery to me. This professional courtesy really helped me become more literate in medical terminology. I began to get familiar with the words they would continuously use and added them to my vocabulary. I would come home every day and tell my mom what new words I had learned. She began to see me use medical words more in my everyday life. “You seem to have learned quite a bit of terminology through your program” (Puckett). I soon felt a connection with the doctors as I too could speak a little bit of “their language.” I continued to study on my own, ask the doctors questions, and listen carefully to enhance my ability to communicate with health care