Introduction (89)
The client Pat; presented symptoms of anxiety and panic - a tight feeling in her chest, followed by tingly sensations in fingers and feeling dizzy, avoids situations where she …show more content…
Evidence, however, suggests that the potency of the clinical techniques depends upon whether they are applied at the appropriate stage in therapy; upon reflection I feel like this section felt a bit repetitive, I could have saved some time on clarifying the new skills rather than spending so long on checking understanding of the learnt skills (RESOURCE). Demonstrating such feature goes beyond mere adherence (i.e. the preciseness with which a technique is applied), in the future I would like to focus on being more articulate, comprehensible, sensitive and systematic when discussing and implementing the technique. One specific missed opportunity to demonstrate such skills was when explaining the Exercise Rating Sheet (TIME). It is no surprise that behavioural tasks play a key role with respect to the reinforcement of new learning, and are also useful mythologies to employ prior to asking the patient to use the activity in a homework task