To illustrate, I would like to describe my life experience with anxiety. I have felt anxiety for as long as I can remember but it started getting really bad when I was about 12. I would sit in my room and listen to Eminem's album The Eminem Show and feel so connected to his words. I grew up with a troubled childhood, most likely no worse than the next but something was different I wasn't able to forgive or even forget these feelings …show more content…
I love them, I have to they're my parents but, I needed to get out. As soon as I was old enough to get a job that is exactly what I did. I moved in with my friend when I was 16 and bought my first car, a blue dodge neon. In a way, I'm actually glad I went through what I did because my life has been far from …show more content…
I feel like my face is screaming everything I'm feeling. My heart is racing I feel like I'm going to explode into a million pieces. My palms are sweaty, on the verge of tears over the thoughts racing in. I'm not good enough, no one will ever love me and if they do they will leave me as soon as I let them in. I'm damaged material something is wrong with me and I will never be okay. Why am I feeling like this? I have plenty of people who care about me but what about those people who don't like