It is an application requirement of the Health Sciences department that each OT applicant completes a minimum of eight hours of community service with an OT. In these hours at the Orange Farm Clinic I was given the opportunity to witness the effects that a single Occupational Therapist had on the community. It was this opportunity that captivated …show more content…
The clinic is situated in central Hillbrow and is visited mainly by ladies who are either pregnant or had just recently given birth. I was not as stunned by the number of women present, as I was by their age. Many of the women appeared to be my age and held babies to their bosoms or sat awkwardly awaiting prenatal treatment from the clinic. The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes health promotion as “the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health.” A key purpose of health promotion in OT is the prevention of disease and injury. The aim is to ensure that every member of the community experiences a level of well-being and vitality, (Helfrich, …show more content…
OT has taught me the importance of balance and well-being and has shaped my life in a positive and uplifting way. OT aims at empowering clients to live to the fullest every day and to use their full potential and independence in all areas of occupation, and this exactly what OT has done for me as a student.
Works Cited
Association, A. O. (2008). Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process 2nd Edition. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 641-642.
Dillard, M., Andonian, L., Flores, O., Lai, L., McRae, A., & Shakir, M. (1992). Culturally Competent Occupational Therapy in a Diverse Populated Mental Health Setting. The Amwrican Journal of Occuaptional Therapy, 721-722.
Harris, E. (2008). The Meaning of Craft to an Occupational Therapist. The Australian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 134-136.
Helfrich, C. (2001). Domestic Abuse Across the Lifespan, The Role of Occupational Therapy. New York: Haworth Press, .
McColl, M. (1997). What Do We Need To Know To Practice Occupational Therapy in a Community Setting. The American Journal a/Occupational Therapy,