After doing my research I was astonished that I never knew about the occupation up until this point. I made up in my mind that I was interested in pursuing international public health. Thinking over my decision, I imagined myself traveling the world and relating to people that knew nothing about me. Some people would look like me by skin tone, and some wouldn’t. Some would greet me, while others would stare because they know I’m a foreigner to them. One thing I do know, I would learn beyond my own cultures practices, the style, the food, the time it shined in the sky, the time the moon falls and much more. I internalized the idea of being outside with my siblings, greeting and showing a foreigner around the community.
Family, one of the things I’m all about. Family by blood, or close relationship, family is the world to me. Therefore, working in an international career will stabilize me in my gratitude for family, and not just my own. It will help broaden my vision on the committed and rewarding practices another country or countries live by; something that will remind me of the true genuine importance of values only having a family can