Week One:
3/25 Starting Weight 212 pounds
4/1 Ending Weight 210.2 pounds
During week one I did not reached my weekly goal of two pounds lost, by a few ounces, the reason the goal was not achieved is because I cheated and had pizza for lunch two out of seven days and I also broke down and had some soda. The obstacles I encountered was temptation and it got the best of me I usually have lunch with my work team and the first two days of the week where when I ate pizza on the third day I told one of my …show more content…
The first week was definitely the hardest temptation is everywhere, I never really noticed how much advertisements, billboards and magazine spreads have fast food/ unhealthy food on them, I had a few slip ups but I started to buckle down and by the end of the week my work seemed to pay off. The second week was much better Wednesday was pretty crazy yet I got thru it after that it was smooth sailing. The third week was the best I had my routine down breakfast, work, lunch, work, gym, dinner by six and relax, bedtime at 10 pm then get up and do it all over again until Friday weigh in. This project helped me realise two things first I have the best support system a girl could ask for second no matter the goal or obstacle that is set before me I can