As we all know, all drugs have side-effects, and sometimes it seems like the side-effects are worse than what you are taking the drug for.
For example, for the acne treatment drug Accutane you can get such great side-effects as crying spells, rectal bleeding and bone fractures. Nice. Mirapex used for Restless Leg Syndrome some side-effects you can look forward to are hallucinations and increased gambling, sexual, or other overpowering urges. I am not saying medication does not have its place. It obviously does. I just think too often it is a first resort instead of a last resort. This brings to mind how children being diagnosed for ADHD and bi-polar have climbed dramatically. I saw a feature on this one kid who was taking six types of medications. Each one to counter-act the side-effects of the other. By the time the parents got him off most of the medication this kid was left with a lifelong tick brought on by the medications. The doctor who prescribed all the meds of course was getting money from the pharmaceutical companies.
In conclusion, this has been a very insightful class. I enjoyed seeing the different therapy theories and viewing the counseling role