Due to socially constructed gender roles, women are expected to care for others then themselves. Pursuing leisure or adventure recreation can be overwhelming due to the masculine expectations that society has places on recreational activities such as rafting, backpacking and climbing. These pursuits should be based on a woman's passion for the outdoors or desire to explore and not merely for wanting to be one of the guys (Wroblewski 5). The wilderness can offer a sense of belonging, community, and physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and personal growth that all deserve to enjoy (Wroblewski
Due to socially constructed gender roles, women are expected to care for others then themselves. Pursuing leisure or adventure recreation can be overwhelming due to the masculine expectations that society has places on recreational activities such as rafting, backpacking and climbing. These pursuits should be based on a woman's passion for the outdoors or desire to explore and not merely for wanting to be one of the guys (Wroblewski 5). The wilderness can offer a sense of belonging, community, and physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and personal growth that all deserve to enjoy (Wroblewski