The third week in PD1 class, it was normally has few activities have to proceed. Lecturer discussed 2 cases about the millions of dollars and thousands of hours can be wasted as a consequence caused by failed in problem definition and wrong solution (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2008, p.2). Forming a team was the activity afterward, 30 students in class grouped into 6 teams and we are formed in accordance with the role quiz.
As Tyson said, “Groups come into existence to bring together the skills and talents needed to do the work that requires many hands and heads” (Tyson, 1998: p. 3), a group created can help us to achieve the goals more efficient and effective. Last and not least, working with groups also an advantage in problem solving, because the problem solutions “require the assembly of groups of people with different areas of expertise” (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2008, p.25).
Throughout this group forming process, I learnt that every role have their own tasks and responsible to achieve the same goals. And I also seen that our group’s members were very friendly and keep unsparingly provided opinions, I think that will be helpful for the following classes.
Since I am the Achiever from that quiz, then I have to do my duty, take the responsible of the role. Otherwise, I am also willing to try being other roles thus can know each other wants and needed to enhance our understanding in teamwork.
( 228 words )
Fogler.Hs & LeBlanc.S, 2008, Strategies for Creative Problem Solving 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall
Tyson.T, 1998, Working with Groups 2nd edition, Macmillan Education,