I am now in the second semester of my health visitor training and studies as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse. Throughout the process I have had the opportunity to enhance and develop my skills and knowledge through a wide variety of experiences. I have also been able to, and accepted more unsupervised/independent responsibility to consolidate my learning. Working in an area with a large proportion of clientele subject to high intervention plans and requiring intensive support, I have had the invaluable opportunity to observe and be part of numerous safeguarding cases/issues.
To assist in structuring the reflective element of my portfolio I have used John’s Model of Structured Reflection (2000). By using the series of questions I have been able to break down experiences and work through my feelings and learning outcomes. Throughout my portfolio any reflections will not include names or locations to protect client confidentiality in line with NMC guidelines (NMC 2008).
For this portfolio I have decided to focus on neglect with a particular interest in the emotional neglect. This will enable me to gain an understanding of neglect, the impact it has upon children and the importance of collaborative working and early interventions. I feel that health visitors have a unique role in identifying maltreatment or neglected children and ensure that appropriate actions are taken to help and improve outcomes.
Neglect is widely recognised as the most common form of maltreatment in children in the United Kingdom and Worldwide (Hmurovich, 2008, Legano et al, 2009, Action for Children, 2009, Gilmore, 2010, DofE, 2011, and NSPCC, 2011). Neglect has been defined in Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government, 2010: 39) as:
“the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development.......neglect may involve a parent