The social work method I could use is that of reflective practice as I believe that coming into a new profession one will be faced with various new challenges and it is from these challenges that one gains experience and becomes a better practitioner. The process of reflection according to Knott, Christine and Scragg, Terry (2010) yields positive results by learning, gaining knowledge and understanding what it is that you need to do. Reflective practice is also an opportunity for personal and ongoing professional development which is one of the codes of practice that each and every social worker should adhere to. It is through reflection that one can avoid past mistakes as looking back and learning from these ensures that we will not repeat them.
It is through reflective practice both formal and informal that some approaches are delivered effectively for example the client centred care. It is through this reflection that a practitioner can evaluate their actions and improve the service they provide. As a social worker one will be faced with different challenges and situations that will require a unique response and reflective practice enables you to ‘think on your feet’ as described by Schön (1983) as reflection-in-action. It is important that every practitioner can creative and offer the best possible solution. Schön also talks about reflection-on-action which encourages the practitioner to take a step back and think about the events that took place, documents them and uses them to inform their practice.
I do recognise that the masters degree I am undertaking alone will not prepare me for the demands of a social work career. In a dynamic society a social worker needs to have the capacity to change and be equipped with the experience and skill to deal with ever changing needs of society. As I also learn the different methods and theories I need to be able to adapt them
References: Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by Doing: a Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods, London: Further Education Unit. Gould, N and Taylor, I (eds) (1996) Reflective Learning for Social Work, Aldershot, Arena. Ghaye, T. & Lillyman, S. (2001) Reflection: Principles and Practice for Healthcare Professionals, Wiltshire: Mark Allen Publishing ltd John, C. (2002) Guided Reflection- Advancing Practice, Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. Knott, Christine and Scragg, Terry (2010) Reflective practice in social work. Exeter: Learning Matters. Schön, Donald A (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. New York: Basic Books. Wallace M. (2002) A-Z Guide to professional Health. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Appendix 1 – Gibbs Reflective Cycle