This essay will be looking at the four graduate skills, which are required to support University study.
The four graduate skills that Canterbury Christ Church University have identified are: Managing own learning, Working with others, Communication and Academic Skills. By developing my skills and focusing on the above areas, I will become more confident and be able to act effectively in a variety of situations, within my personal and professional role.
During this module, I was asked to complete a self audit sheet on the graduate skills, I was able to identify my strengths and weakness, and by writing SMART (simple, measurable, achievable, realistic targets) action plans with small steps I will begin to change these weaknesses into strengths.
During this essay I will be looking at ways in which the graduate skills support my role within my workplace. It will also become clear within the essay that the four graduate skills are closely linked to each other.
The first graduate skill that I will be looking at is Working with Others. I believe that in a school environment, it is essential to have a good relationship with other adults. This is especially true if you are working with a Teaching Assistant. This is because they have an important role within the teaching team. With their knowledge and experience, they contribute to planning, support, observations and reflection.
When I am covering a class for PPA I have to do my own planning for Physical Education and I always ensure that I have planned effectively for the Teaching Assistant, and myself. The lesson plan is emailed the week before, in order for the them to have a look over it. It will always inform them of who I would like them to support, and give clear instructions on what they need to do to support those children. Sometimes during the
Bibliography: Cavill,N.,Biddle, S.J.H., & Sallis, J.F. (2004) Available at: (Accessed: 9th January 2011) DeVito, J.A. (1996) Essentials of human communication. 2nd edn. New York: Harperscollins Publishers Jasper, M. (2003) Beginning Reflective Practice: Foundations in Nursing and Health Care, Nelson Thornes Ltd. Reference (Accessed 10thJanuary 2011)